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1962 Sino-Indian War: Causes, Consequences and History || 1962 Sino-Indian War: in English
1962 Sino-Indian War: Causes, Consequences and History of the 1962 Sino-Indian War.|1962 Sino-Indian War in English
Causes, Consequences and History of the Indo-China War of 1962. The war between India and China started on 20 October 1962 in which China captured Aksai Chin in an area of about 38,000 sq km and thousands of soldiers were killed. The war was an important event for India, affecting its political, social and military realities. There were many reasons for this war, one of which some historians attribute to China's desire for expansionism.
Causes, Consequences and History of Indo-China War of 1962., History of Indo-China War, | History of Indo-China war of 1962 in English
The war between India and China began on 20 October 1962, resulting in the death of thousands of soldiers and India's defeat. In this war, China occupied an area of about 38,000 square kilometers in Aksai Chin of India.
By attacking India, China broke the illusion of Indian political leaders that China would never attack India. After the 1962 war, India changed its policy towards China. There were many reasons for this war, today we will move ahead with the discussion.
1962 Sino-Indian War
clashed with each other
The war started on 20 October 1962
war 21 victory 1962 ends
period of war
1 month 1 day
Location Aksai Chin,
North-East Frontier Agency
(now Arunachal Pradesh)
and Assam
military force
🇮🇳 22,000 soldiers and
🇨🇳 80,000 Sainik
1962 Indo-China war in Hindi
casualty and loss
The Sino-Indian War in 1962 further worsened the relationship between the two countries. The main reason for this war was the capture of India's Aksai Chin by China. During this war, the Chinese army made the Indian army the main vassal and thousands of Indians left. This war left a long-lasting impact on the relationship between the two countries and its memory still fills the relationship between the two countries.
1962 Indo-China war in English(casualty and loss)
India Indian source
1,383 killed
1,696 missing
548–1,047 injured
3,968 POWs
Chinese Chinese Source
722 killed
1,697 injured
Leaders (Jawaharlal Nehru)
During the Indo-China war of 1962, there were some important leaders of both India and China. Among the Indian leaders, Jawaharlal Nehru was the Prime Minister of India, who was the main leader in this war. Apart from this, India's Defense Minister VK Krishna Menon, military leader G.M.B.S.Yadav, G.S.V.Prahlad, G.S.Bachitra Singh etc. were important leaders.
Chinese President Mao Zedong, Defense Minister Li Deng-huai, Chinese Army CF Wang and Jiang Jishi were some of the important leaders who showed the Chinese army during this war.
China (India)
Mao Zedong (Chinese Communist
party president) Sarvapalli
Radhakrishnan (President of India)
liu shaoqi (President of China)
Jawaharlal Nehru (prime minister of India)
zhou enlai (China premiere)
VK Krishna Menon (India's Defense Minister
Background of the Indo-China War of 1962
In the backdrop of the Indo-China war of 1962, several heart-wrenching facts fueled the rising tension. India framed its constitution in New Delhi formulating its expression since independence in 1947, while China established an ideology-based polity run by Mao. There were disputes between the two countries on the matter of land and China started attacking in Uttar Pradesh and Assam due to which India had to face defeat in this war.
Border Dispute
The border between India and China has been disputed and uncertain since the days of the British and Chinese Empires.
The main reason for the war between India and China was the dispute over the sovereignty of the border areas of Aksai Chin and Arunachal Pradesh. Aksai Chin, which India considered a part of Ladakh and China considered a part of Xinjiang province, the conflict started from here and it became a war. got changed.
One of the policies of the Government of India since India's independence was to maintain cordial relations with China. India was the first country to recognize the People's Republic of China as a country.
In 1950, China occupied Tibet citing historical rights. After this, India sent a letter of protest and proposed talks on the Tibet issue. However, in 1954, India signed the Panchsheel Pact with China, in which India recognized Tibet as a part of China. This was the time when former Prime Minister of India Jawaharlal Nehru gave the slogan "Hindi-Chinibhai-Bhai".
In 1954, China built a road connecting Xinjiang with Tibet through India's Aksai Chin, India learned about this in 1959, further increasing tensions between the two countries.
September 1958 - India protests China's official map showing NEFA (today's Arunachal Pradesh) and parts of Ladakh as China.
In 1958, there was a rebellion against China in Tibet, which was brutally suppressed by the Chinese army, after which the Dalai Lama came to India in 1959 with his followers.
In January 1959, Zhou Annalies (Premier of China) announced China's claim on 40,000 square miles of Indian territory in both Ladakh and NEFA (now Arunachal Pradesh) for the first time.
In 1960, Zhou Enlai visited India and Zhou Enlai informally suggested that India give up its claims on Aksai Chin in return for China withdrawing its claims on NEFA (now Arunachal Pradesh), but Jawaharlal
Nehru rejected this proposal. Rejected completely.
Causes of 1962 Indo-China war
There were many reasons for the 1962 Indo-China war. One of the main reasons for this war was the confusion given by the statements of Indian political leaders by China. They hid the purpose of their attack by deceiving India.
Other reasons for this war were border disputes, possession of disputed areas, expansion of military force in disputed areas and preparations for invasion by China. The section of India's war power was challenging the Chinese army and in the meantime China changed its policy towards India after this war.
The main reason for this war was the violation of India's border by China, which used to disturb India's national sentiments. Apart from this, there were many jewelry reasons for this war, in which the border dispute and the preparation of invasion by China were the most important.
Indo-China War: Causes, Consequences and History of Indo-China War of 1962.|1962 Indo-China War in English
Causes of 1962 indo-china war
Border Dispute – The main reason for the war between India and China was the border dispute over Arunachal Pradesh and Aksai Chin.
Road construction in Indian territory – In 1954 China built a road from Aksai Chin in India to connect Xinjiang and Tibet by road. 1959 After receiving the news of road construction in Aksai Chin, India protested against it, which further increased the tension on the border.
Dalai Lama – The Dalai Lama came to India in 1959 and was welcomed by Jawaharlal Nehru, China did not like this. Second, China felt that India was behind the rebellion against China in Tibet.
Forward Policy – In 1960, on the recommendations of the Intelligence Bureau, Prime Minister of India Jawaharlal Nehru decided that the Indian Army should occupy border areas along the McMahon Line and in Aksai Chin as part of the Forward Policy. Many defense consultants believe that China wanted to stop India's forward policy.
Violent skirmishes – During 1959-61, there were frequent skirmishes between border patrols, several attacks on Indian posts in which many Indian soldiers were killed, now it seemed that war was inevitable one day or the other.
Objectionable map – In September 1958, a Chinese government magazine published an objectionable map, in which it showed NEFA (today's Arunachal Pradesh) and parts of Ladakh as part of China, which was strongly opposed by India.
1962 Sino-Indian War
After continuous violent skirmishes, China finally invaded India on 20 October 1962, China captured NEFA (today's Arunachal Pradesh) and Tawang in just four days, even reaching Tezpur, Assam.
After this there was no significant fighting for 3 weeks and talks started. China proposed to India to move its army back 20-20 kms, but Indian government rejected it saying that China has already come inside 60 kms, now we should go back 20 kms also.
The war resumed on 14 November after China refused to accept the proposal, after which China declared a unilateral ceasefire on 21 November 1962.
After the ceasefire, the Chinese army withdrew from NEFA (Arunachal Pradesh). But the Chinese army did not withdraw from Aksai Chin.
Only the army was used in this war, India did not use the air force and navy, fearing that China would also use it.
military strength
India had around 20,000 soldiers, while China had 80,000 soldiers.
Why did China declare a unilateral ceasefire? The objectives of China had been fulfilled-
a- Show of strength for territorial disputes.
b- Stopping the Indian forward policy.
USA, UK and USSR supported India.
China was afraid that America might jump into the war.
Result of Indo-China War 1962
The outcome of the war was clear, China won, India lost. China occupied an area of about 38,000 square kilometers in Aksai Chin of India.
In this war 1386 Indian soldiers were killed, 1700 soldiers went missing and 3000-4000 soldiers were taken prisoner who were later released. According to Chinese sources, 722 Chinese soldiers were killed and 1,697 were wounded in the battle. Now it is up to you whether you trust the Chinese source or not.
foreign aid
The Soviet Union supported India by selling advanced MiG fighter aircraft to India.
During the war, Jawaharlal Nehru wrote two letters to US President John F. Kennedy on 19 November 1962, asking for K12 squadrons of fighter jets and a modern radar system. Nehru also said that until Indian airmen were trained, these aircraft should be operated by American pilots. These requests were denied by the Kennedy administration because the United States was embroiled in the Cuban Missile Crisis at the time.
The United States nevertheless provided non-combat support to Indian forces and planned to send the aircraft carrier USS Kitty Hawk to the Bay of Bengal to support India in the event of air combat.
Why did India lose this war?
Not taking the help of air force – Many defense consultants believe that if India had used air force in the war, India might not have to face defeat as many reports suggest that at that time China's air force was ready for war. Wasn't
Negligence of the government – Jawaharlal Nehru had the illusion that China would never attack India, Nehru felt that the border dispute could be resolved through dialogue, so he kept ignoring China's antics and India did not even prepare for war. Many people tell Jawaharlal Nehru the reason for the defeat in the war.
India was not ready for the war – Losing the war was also a major reason that India did not prepare for the war, India did not have enough military hardware, on the other hand China had already prepared for the war, they They had a large amount of military hardware, so they captured Arunachal Pradesh in just four days.
Failure of intelligence agencies - Intelligence agency has a huge contribution in any war, that is why the failure of Indian intelligence agency was also a major reason for India's defeat in the war with China.
Question 1- How many Chinese soldiers were killed in the 1962 war?
In the Sino-Indian War of 1962, China's army strength was around 1,300 to 1,400 while India's army strength was around 10,000. Different sources have different information about some number of Chinese soldiers in this war, but there is no official data about this.
The war was away from most of China's cities and focused on the aspect of the economy, so they tried not to harm as many of their citizens as possible. China has not released some figures about India, but according to India, a total of 1,383 soldiers died in this war.
Question 2- When the Indo-China war of 1962 started, who was the Defense Minister of India at that time?
The Sino-Indian War of 1962 started on October 20, 1962. In this war, with the permission of China, an area occupied by India from Tibet was forcefully forced. This war lasted for about a month. The Defense Minister of India at that time was Shri VK Krishna Menon.
Question 3- Which part of India is with China after the 1962 war?
Aksai Chin
Since the 1962 war, China has had a crippling change in India, which still has tensions. It is located in the northern part of Akshaini Kashmir and China claims that it is under their authority. China has expanded in this area and it still claims India as its own land. There is a border dispute between India and China over the disputed border of this region, which they are literally trying to resolve.
Question 4- How much land of India was occupied by China in 1962?
In 1962, China occupied about 38,000 square kilometers of India's land. This included Aksaichina sector, northern part of Ladakh, Junagadh, Dhauladar and Gari sectors of Himachal Pradesh. The Indian Army had to face a lot of difficulty by the Chinese army and India had to lose its land. The war was a major consequence of the India-China border dispute and had a profound impact on the relationship between the two countries.
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