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Khalistan Movement: A Threat to India's National Security?

Khalistan Movement: A Threat to India's National Security? Khalistan: A Movement to Divide India? Khalistan image The concept of Khalistan, which means "Land of the Pure," has been a controversial issue in India for decades. The idea of carving out an independent Sikh state from Punjab and parts of Northern India has been propagated by radical separatists since the early 1980s. However, this movement has also been accused of bringing about communal disturbances and aiming to destabilize the Indian state. The roots of Khalistan can be traced back to British colonial policies in the late 1800s and early 1900s that aimed to divide Sikhs and Hindus. The British Raj recruited Sikhs in large numbers to serve in their army and fight against Hindu rulers who rebelled against British rule. This led to growing resentment between Sikhs and Hindus and laid the foundation for future conflict. After India gained independence in 1947, tensions between the state of Punjab and the central

NASA’s unsung heroes: The Apollo coders who put men on the moon

NASA’s unsung heroes: The Apollo coders who put men on the moon

Figure out how spearheading programmers assisted NASA with sending off space travelers into space, and bring them back once more - pushing the limits of innovation as they made it happen.

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Homer Ahr had been sleeping for 15 minutes when he got a call from his manager at Johnson Space Center.

"All he said was, 'Homer, gain into mission influence as quick as possible.' I didn't have a thought of why I was going in there," he said.

"In something like 30 minutes all things considered I realize that they were genuinely in a decisive circumstance," said Ahr.

Prior that night, Apollo 13 space traveler Jack Swigert had brought NASA mission control to a halt with the now well known assertion, "Houston, we've had an issue."

The Apollo 13 art was in excess of 300,000 kilometers into its excursion to the moon when a blast tore through the minuscule container.

On that day in April 1970, with the vessel venting its valuable stock of oxygen, NASA realized it had not many choices for getting the three Apollo space explorers on the stricken space apparatus home securely.

"From that acknowledgment on, all we did was do all that we could to get them back," Ahr said.

"It's similar to being in the trama center, you know? In the event that you need to stick a needle into someone's chest to reactivate their heart, you take care of business. You don't contemplate what you're doing. You get it done."

One of the many major problems was the manner by which to mount a salvage without terminating the motors on the harmed piece of the art. At Johnson Space Center in Houston, TX, mission control limited the choices to a move never endeavored. The endurance of the space travelers presently relied on utilizing the plummet motors on the lunar lander to put the art on a back home direction.

SEE: How a NASA group of people of color 'PCs' sent a space traveler into space in 1962

Mission control had restricted chance to resolve how to pull off the move. Fortunately, only months before the team launched from Cape Canaveral, two developers had composed the product for mission control to work out such a move.

One of those developers was the 22-year-old Ahr, simply a year out of school and working for IBM as a move arranging master supporting NASA flight officials in mission control.

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"On the off chance that what had happened on the Apollo 13 had happened on Apollo 12, we would have had a genuine bear of an issue," said Ahr, since the calculations for computing the move had just barely been added.

"Genuinely you could make it happen, yet computationally and in the mission control focus, it would have been very challenging to sort out when to do the move and how to make it happen," he said.

Mission control required confirmation that terminating the plunge motors would work, and Ahr and a partner went through the late evening running what was known as a scattering investigation, really looking at each conceivable boundary to check whether the move would put the art on the right course.

"I was unable to try and let you know the times we ran calculations," said Ahr, "however we did the scattering examination, and the end was, 'Feel free to do the move.'"

The PCs as legends

The possible safe return of the space explorers was because of undeniably more than that series of computations, yet Ahr's memory shows exactly the way in which vital the early PCs were to the lunar missions.

With its objective of putting a man on the moon, NASA's Apollo program is maybe the most aggressive specialized try at any point embraced. All through the 15 Apollo missions that included six moon arrivals, the accuracy required as far as situating and speed to put the specialty on the right direction on the excursion to and from earth was demanding.

Each move that would be completed by the space apparatus was determined ahead of time by IBM PCs in the Constant PC Complex (RTCC) at Johnson Space Center, and checked against the art's genuine moves all through the mission.

Hear Scratch Heath make sense of how he detailed this tale about the coders that controlled the Apollo missions.

Similarly as essential to the arrival of Apollo 13, and the outcome of the more extensive program, were the PC frameworks supporting the various test systems at Johnson Space Center and Cape Canaveral. The test systems included working duplicates of the rocket's order and lunar modules, and permitted NASA space travelers and the flight regulators on the ground to rehearse all aspects of the excursion: from the send off, to the lunar arriving, to earth reemergence, working pair as they would during the mission.

Test systems duplicated the operations of the installed PCs, yet additionally took care of information into ground frameworks, reproducing the experience of a genuine mission as intently as could be expected, and getting ready staff to manage a large group of possible issues.

Jack Winters, who oversaw test systems testing and began composing programming for test systems during the previous Gemini missions, said the preparation for the flight regulators was important for the Apollo Undertaking.

"On Apollo 13, for instance, they were a whole lot better ready to recognize the issue and create workarounds in view of the preparation," he said.

During Apollo 13, these test systems would let specialists and space explorers on the ground-working close by space explorer Ken Mattingly, who had been supplanted on the Apollo 13 flight group without a second to spare sort out some way to bring the order module's installed frameworks back online with the restricted power accessible, a significant stride in front of reemerging earth's climate.

Merritt Jones was working at Johnson Space Center as a software engineer and an astrodynamicist, computing the mechanics of how a space apparatus moves in circle.

Sorting out the right request to reestablish the lander's frameworks was unbelievably significant for the protected return of the Apollo 13 group, he said.

"They needed to decrease the power expected for the startup succession. The startup succession was basic. On the off chance that you didn't begin in the right arrangement, the situation wouldn't function admirably or wouldn't work by any means."

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Pushing limits

The PCs utilized during the Apollo missions were incomprehensibly rough by current guidelines. Every one of the RTCC's five IBM Framework/360 Model J75 centralized servers had around 1MB of principal memory, not even to the point of stacking a run of the mill page in 2017.

"The product that controls what happens when you move your mouse on your PC-the mouse driver for Windows-takes more memory than all the NASA supercomputers set up had for Apollo," said Jones.

Notwithstanding filling a whole corridor with gadgets, the centralized servers each finished out at around 1,000,000 directions each second (MIPs), a few 30,000-times more slow than the quickest processors utilized in the present PCs.

NASA was knocking toward the restrictions of what innovation at the time could do, which frequently implied depending on front line, and now and again dubious, equipment and programming. Also, where the tech basically didn't exist, NASA's business accomplices needed to develop it.

A valid example was the Apollo Direction PC (AGC). While the ground frameworks could sound underpowered, the locally available PCs were significant degrees more straightforward. The direction PC for the Apollo space apparatus should have been sufficiently little to fit in a confined container and light enough for the Saturn rocket to get it into space. The closet estimated IBM centralized computers that NASA utilized on the ground were impossible.

Massachusetts Foundation of Innovation Instrumentation Research facility (MIT-IL), which had the agreement to foster the AGC, went to another innovation, coordinated circuits, which could make PCs quicker and more modest by drawing different semiconductors onto little chips. Around then in 1961, coordinated circuits had just been concocted two years sooner and were something of an obscure amount, yet by 1963 MIT-IL had arranged exactly 60% of the world's accessible ICs.

"A ton had to do with power and weight," said Sway Zagrodnick, a designer who dealt with the AGC at Raytheon, which constructed 43 of the PCs throughout the Apollo program.

"These are little units and they didn't take up a great deal of force. We'd continually endeavor to limit weight and power utilization."

The Constant PC Complex (RTCC) for the Apollo Program's Main goal Control Center at Johnson Space Center. The RTCC was arranged on the principal floor in Building 30, beneath the Mission Activity Control Rooms. There were no windows to the rest of the world in any of these rooms.

Picture: Homer Ahr/NASA

More strange was the manner in which the product running on the AGC was in a real sense woven together. At Raytheon's creation line in Waltham, Mama, weavers circled wire through roundabout magnets, making a metallic embroidery whose example compared to advanced zeros and ones, which thusly encoded the projects run on the PC.

"They really strung the flight program data into the center rope recollections," said Zagrodnick. "It was an extremely extraordinary movement, so generally ladies who were great at needle and string were the ones who wound around or set up the center recollections."

Back in Johnson Space Center, IBM wound up confronting a completely unique test. As the name recommends, the PCs in the RTCC should have been ready to deal with new positions and information continuously, to satisfy their job checking shuttle directions and driving complex reproductions of the missions. The issue was that by then in the mid 1960s continuous working frameworks didn't exist.

As per Ahr: "We needed to get a performing multiple tasks, multi-jobbing working framework during the 1960s — before IBM had at any point constructed a multi-jobbing, performing various tasks working sys


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